Food Processing and Storage Demonstrations

Food Processing and Storage Interventions / Demonstration 


1. Demonstration on Zero Energy Cool Chamber

2. Scientific drying and storage of cereals, pulses and oilseeds

3. Primary processing of cereals

Food Processing and Storage Interventions / Demonstration

4. Demonstration on value addition through Dal making

5. Demonstration on value addition through oil extraction

6. Demonstration on preparation of value added products of fruits,
vegetables and flowers

7. Demonstration on Preparation of milk products (Curd, Paneer, Khoa,
Butter Milk, Lassi, Butter, Ghee, Ice-Cream, Basundi, Pedha, etc.)

8. Demonstration on storage of processed agro products

9. Group discussion on scientific packaging of agri-horticultural
commodities, processed products and their storage

10. Group discussion / demonstration on changes in physical, chemical,
biochemical and sensory properties of processed foods

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