Fruit Crop Guava

Agriculture Oneliner Fruit Crop Guava :

Botanical Name:  Pisidium guajava

Family:  Myrtaceae


  • Also known and Bathroom fruit
  • It is propagated by Air Layering, Seed,Stooling and Vegetative Method.
  • Bending in Guava practice to activate the dormant bud.
  • Best Quality obtained in winter
  • Variety – Allahbad Safeda, L-49, Chittidar(pinkish red dots),Hafsi(Red flesh in Bihar), Lalit, Arka Mrudula(best for Processing).
  • Seedless Variety- Nagpur Seedless, Saharanpur seedless and Behat Coconut.
  • TST is 12 Brix
  • Bronzing in Guava is due to Zn Deficiency.

Other Information :

  • IBA is a Root Initiation Hormon
  • C:N Ratio of Sphagnum Moss is 100:1
  • C:N Ratio of Microbes is 10:1
  • Highest pectin content present in Wood Apple (कऊट)
  • Highest Production of Litchi is in Saharanpur Bihar

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