Guava: A Versatile Backyard Fruit

Guava: A Versatile Backyard Fruit


Botanical Name: Psidium guajava

Family: Myrtaceae (also known as Jamun)


Guava can be propagated through air layering, seeds, and vegetative methods.

– Stooling is considered one of the cheapest propagation methods.

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) is commonly used for root initiation hormone.


Cultural Practices and Nutrient Requirements:

– Guava is a rich source of Vitamin C.

– For air layering, Sphagnum moss with a C:N Ratio of 100:1 is often used.

– For Deblossoming  MH, NAA, or 2,4-D.

– Maintaining a ratio of 10:1 for beneficial microbes is recommended.

– Bronzing in guava indicates zinc deficiency.

– Bending in guava helps activate dormant buds.

Guava: A Versatile Backyard Fruit

Soil and Climate Considerations:

– Guava does not thrive in alkaline soil conditions.

– Guava typically yields the best quality fruit in winter.


Popular Guava Varieties:

– Allahabad Safeda: Popular in Uttar Pradesh.

– L-49 (Lucknow-49) is a commonly cultivated variety.

– Chittidar: Characterized by pinkish-red dots.

– TSS (Total Soluble Solids) content in guava is around 12 Brix.

– Arka Mrudula is favored for its high pectin content, making it ideal for processing.


– Wood apple has the highest pectin content.


Regional Varieties and Practices:

– Hafshil: Known for its red flesh, cultivated in Bihar.

– Lalit is another popular guava variety.

– Seedless varieties include Nagpur Seedless, Saharanpur Seedless, and Behat Coconut.

– Saharanpur has the highest litchi production.

– Bahar treatment is essential for proper fruiting.

– In South India, Mrig Bahar is preferred, while in North India, Hast Bahar is favored for its high-quality fruit production, especially during winter.


This comprehensive overview covers various aspects of guava cultivation, including propagation methods, cultural practices, popular varieties, and regional preferences.

“The information provided in this article is for reference purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice. Readers are encouraged to verify information and seek appropriate guidance before making decisions based on the content presented.”

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