Plant Protection Demonstrations

Plant Protection Interventions / Demonstration


1. Group Discussion / Farmers Field School on IPDM technology for

major crops

2. Group Discussion on identification of pests and beneficial insects

3. Demonstration on seed treatment (chemical and biological) for major

crops of host farmer

Plant Protection Interventions / Demonstration

4. Assessment of economic threshold level and damage due to pests and

diseases and their control measures

5. Demonstration on handling, use and maintenance of agro-chemicals

and spraying and dusting equipment

5. Demonstration on identification and control of stored grain pests

6. Demonstration on preparation and application of Neem Seed Extract

7. Demonstration on preparation of spray solution and spraying in the


8. Demonstration / Group Discussion on Apiculture

9. Demonstration on preparation and use of Bordeaux mixture /

Bordeaux paste

10. Demonstration on production technology of BGA, Azolla, etc.


11. Demonstration of mushroom production technology

12. Knowledge and utilization of apps in seeking information about

plant protection measures

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