Question answering on rice plantation

Question answering on rice plantation

Q: What is the objective of the exercise on rice nursery preparation and transplanting of rice?

A: The objective is to understand the process of preparing rice nursery and transplanting rice seedlings.


Q: What are the two cultivation methods for paddy?

A: Paddy is grown under dry and wet cultivation. Dry cultivation involves using irrigation water from canals or wells, while wet cultivation involves standing water in the paddy field throughout the crop’s life period.


Q: How are paddy seedlings raised?

A: Paddy seedlings are first sown in small, well-prepared beds. For kharif nurseries, seedlings are grown on raised beds, while in winter and summer season nurseries, seedlings are raised in flat beds.


Q: What are the soil requirements for paddy nursery preparation?

A: The soil in the nursery should be loose, friable, and rich in fertility to promote the growth of strong and sturdy seedlings.


Q: What are the recommended dimensions for raised beds in paddy nursery?

A: Raised beds for paddy nursery are typically about 1.0 m in breadth, 15 cm in height, and of convenient length (6-7.5 m).


Q: How is the nursery field prepared for paddy cultivation?

A: The field is brought to a fine tilth by giving 2-3 cross ploughings. The surface is leveled by breaking clods and keeping the soil loose. Fertilizers are applied, and lines are opened for seed sowing.


Q: When is the ideal time for sowing paddy seeds in the nursery?

A: The sowing of seeds should be done immediately after the commencement of the monsoon, typically between 15th May to 15th June.


Q: How are paddy seedlings transplanted into the field?

A: The transplanting of seedlings should be done when they attain the age of 21-25, 23-27, and 25-30 days for early, mid-late, and late varieties, respectively. Seedlings are uprooted from nursery beds and transplanted in the field, typically 3 to 4 seedlings per hill.


Q: What is the recommended depth for transplanting paddy seedlings?

A: Paddy seedlings are transplanted at a depth of 2-4 cm, ensuring they are planted in an upright position.


Q: How is upland paddy sown using the dibbling method?

A: In the dibbling method, 3-4 seeds are dibbled per hill to a depth of 2-4 cm.


Q: Are there any considerations for spacing during transplanting or sowing of upland paddy?

A: Yes, planting more than 3-4 seedlings per hill affects tillering, and deep planting of seedlings affects crop tillering. Similarly, transplanting seedlings in positions other than upright delays early establishment.

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