Climacteric fruits and non-climacteric fruits

Climacteric fruits and non-climacteric fruits refer to the ripening behavior of fruits after they are harvested.


Climacteric Fruits:

Climacteric fruits continue to ripen after being harvested. They exhibit a significant increase in respiration and produce ethylene, a natural plant hormone that aids in the ripening process. Common climacteric fruits include Mango, Sapota, bananas, tomatoes, avocados, and peaches, Apple, apricot, Annona, Blueberry, Cherimoya, Feijoe, Fig, Guava, Jackfruit, Kiwi, Nectarine, Passion Fruit, Pear, Persimmon, Plum, Raspberry etc. These fruits can be picked before reaching full maturity and will continue to ripen to optimal flavor and texture.

Climacteric fruits and non-climacteric fruits

Non-Climacteric Fruits:

Non-climacteric fruits, in contrast, do not ripen significantly after being harvested. They exhibit a lower respiration rate and do not produce ethylene in quantities that lead to further ripening. Examples of non-climacteric fruits include strawberries, citrus fruits (like oranges and lemons), cherries, and grapes, Pineapple, Watermelon, Aonla, Ber, Cashew Nut, Cocoa, Cucumber, Date Palm, Jamun, Karonda, Litchi, Loquat, Nut, Olive, Pepper, Phalsa, Pomegranate etc. These fruits are usually harvested when fully ripe, as further ripening is limited once they are picked.

Read More – Agriculture Oneliner Part 2


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